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Podcast Guide: 7 Tips on How to Create Podcasts to Promote Your Business – (Audio Promotion)

Podcast Guide: 7 Tips on How to Create Podcasts to Promote Your Business - (Audio Promotion)
Podcast Guide: 7 Tips on How to Create Podcasts to Promote Your Business – (Audio Promotion)

If you know the value of content for your business then you understand the value of podcasting. Creating a podcast allows you to reach a brand new audience: people who might never find your text content because they prefer the audio content format.

A podcast is an excellent way to build a new target audience from scratch and position yourself as an authority in your niche or topic.

Podcast Guide: How to Create Podcasts to Promote Your Business

Also, podcasts can drive traffic back to your website.

  1. Podcast are Popular Content Platform

Podcasts are a popular content platform because they’re easy to consume. People can listen to podcasts on the go, in the car, and even at work.

Podcast Guide: How to Create Podcasts to Promote Your Business

Also, podcasts can be listened to on any device. Your audience can listen on their smartphones, desktop, or tablets.

Podcasts allow you to create an engagement and a connection with your audience. They’re hearing you talking to them, one on one.

you can build a more personal relationship with your audience. Because of this level of engagement, people even listen more closely to the ads. Stats show that 63% of listeners purchased a product or service after hearing it advertised on a podcast.

Podcast Guide: How to Create Podcasts to Promote Your Business
  1. How to Start a Podcast

Learning how to start a podcast begins with identifying the theme or topic. Each episode should be relevant to that topic.

It’s very useful to have a consistent episode length so your listeners know what to expect.

  1. Create A Podcast Description – SEO Effect
Podcast Guide: How to Create Podcasts to Promote Your Business

It’s essential to create a description for your podcast. You need to use many relevant keywords. This will help you with the search engine optimization (SEO) of your podcast listings. (Apple Podcasts is a search engine. So many people will find your podcast through a search)

  1. How to Record a Podcast

It’s simple. All you need to do is plug in a USB microphone and open the audio recording software on your computer.

Your microphone is the default device for your recording software. Simply click the record button in your software of choice and talk.

Podcast Guide: How to Create Podcasts to Promote Your Business

There’s no need to stop or pause the recording, even if there are mistakes along the way. You can always edit the recording later using the same software.

  1. Submit Your Podcast

Apple Podcasts (iTunes)
Google Play Store

There are many directories where you can list your podcast. You can distribute your podcast across as many channels as you’d like.

Podcast Guide: How to Create Podcasts to Promote Your Business
  1. How to Launch Your Podcast

If you want to get noticed by Apple Podcasts you need to launch your podcast in a way that you receive listens and reviews immediately. Also, launching your podcast this way will help you grow organically, too.

Make the launch of your podcast an event and generate buzz around it. Create a landing page for your podcast, letting people know what you have planned. Use social media and talk about your podcast. Use your website or even YouTube ads.

Building a small audience pre-launch is essential because you can create a snowball effect.

  1. How to Grow Your Audience
Podcast Guide: How to Create Podcasts to Promote Your Business

Ask your listeners to leave a review on Apple Podcasts and to subscribe. Having more subscribers and more reviews can help you get more listeners.

Use this tip on your website, on social media, and in emails.

A successful strategy to encourage reviews and engagement is to reward the listeners. Ask your listeners to leave a review on Apple Podcasts and give a free e-book (app, giveaway, etc) to one or more listeners. (Listeners love to leave a review since they can get something for free).

Another important tip is to be consistent. If you plan to create a new podcast every week, do it at the same time and on the same day. You need to have patience and you need to put out regular content to show your audience that you’re serious.

Podcast Guide: How to Create Podcasts to Promote Your Business

Nobody wants to listen to or follow a podcaster that is not consistent and truthful.

You can create a successful podcast today. Start looking on Apple Podcasts or Google Podcasts for podcasts that are already doing what you want to do. If you already have an external microphone, record a short episode today, introducing yourself and your podcast idea.

Start promoting your business with podcasts. A different but interesting idea.

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