Social Media: 6 Trends To Improve Your Marketing Strategy In 2021 [Infographic]

Social Media: 6 Trends To Improve Your Marketing Strategy In 2021
Social Media: 6 Trends To Improve Your Marketing Strategy In 2021

These days all businesses, big or small, need to have a social media presence. It’s one of the best ways to increase your online presence, grow your brand, and attract more followers. Also, with a successful social media marketing strategy, you can generate more sales.

Social Media Trends To Improve Your Marketing Strategy In 2021

Social Media Trends To Improve Your Marketing Strategy In 2021

Here are some useful social media trends you need to know about how to improve your marketing strategy in 2021.

  1. Baby Boomers are Using Social Media

For a long time, baby boomers were ignored by digital marketing strategies and businesses. They don’t use very often the internet.

Social Media Trends To Improve Your Marketing Strategy In 2021

But in 2020 baby boomers have started to use social media platforms and eCommerce almost every day. The pandemic keeps them at home and they’re spending more time on the internet than ever. (Pandemic Effect)

Your social media marketing strategy needs to target and baby boomers. Don’t target only young people.

  1. TikTok Trend

TikTok is on the top of social media platforms. It achieves two billion downloads, and over one billion videos watched every day. If you like to attract the younger generation, you need to use TikTok.

Attention! 60% of users are under 24, but 40% of users are adults. Also, adults user keep growing.

TikTok is about short, easily digestible videos. But allows you to share them on other platforms like Instagram. TikTok videos can be funny, educational, instructional, How-to videos, or any other kind of category.

Social Media Trends To Improve Your Marketing Strategy In 2021

TikTok video content could be made by a person with a mobile phone. Very easy and fast way to create video content.

  1. Social Media and eCommerce

Online shopping growing a lot during the pandemic. You can be sure that online shopping has exploded in general over the past year.

A study from the UK shows that 17.2 million people were planning on shopping online after the pandemic.

Also, 57% of people across 9 countries say that they are shopping more often online even before the start of the pandemic.

Social Media Trends To Improve Your Marketing Strategy In 2021

If you’re in the business of selling physical products, it’s a good idea to invest in a website where people can buy your products. (Online Store)

But if you don’t want to start your website, you can now do it on some of your social media accounts.

Even before the pandemic, 55% of online shoppers purchased a product through a company’s social media account. Also, 87% of buyers claiming that social media helped them decide on a purchase.

Not every social media platform offers services like this. But Facebook and Instagram have implemented channels through which you can make sales.

  1. Video Content Is Gain Traction And Keeps Growing

It’s not just TikTok that people are watching. People are watching more and more video content. People love video content and no one wants to read, long, boring, articles.

Social Media Trends To Improve Your Marketing Strategy In 2021

When we say videos, we don’t mean YouTube videos that last a couple of minutes. We’re talking about videos that last for as short as a few seconds. First, Snapchat had a feature known as “stories,” which was quickly adopted by Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and more.

On stories, people could post a ten-second video to show off whatever they wanted.

Stories are a very popular trick of social media because of their digestible nature.

Many businesses and marketers are using these short videos to show off or advertise their products or services.

Stats show that 84% of people bought a product after watching a video.

Social Media Trends To Improve Your Marketing Strategy In 2021

It’s better to create short videos. Make sure you provide all the basic information in as short a time as possible.

  1. VR and AR Are The Future – Interactive Content

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are two of the most exciting developments in the last decade. They are the future.

Augmented reality is when something like a Snapchat filter uses reality as a base, but lays something fantastical over that base. Those filters that make you look older, or put a dancing hotdog on your shoulder, are all augmented reality.

Social Media Trends To Improve Your Marketing Strategy In 2021

Virtual reality is different. The user is going into another world entirely. You can be taken to a virtual house viewing or a tour of a real-life place.

AR and VR are very much growing fields, with new and more advanced AR and VR technologies coming out constantly.

These technologies are expensive (especially VR), and might not suit your marketing method or your business. But keep an eye on future apps.

  1. People and Brand’s Posts

For a long time, brands presented themselves with a degree of professionalism. They appear as serious organizations with complete control over their product and image.

Social Media Trends To Improve Your Marketing Strategy In 2021

But with the arrival of posts, comments, and replies, people could interact with their favorite brands. So began a new communication channel between customers and brands.

If your posts are helpful, interesting, and friendly people will feel more comfortable engaging with you.