Online Learning: Knowledge and Creativity

Online Learning: Knowledge and Creativity

Many people these days are wanting to go back to college to gain a degree or to increase their knowledge. But modern life doesn’t always provide the time (or the money) for people to stop what they are doing and head back to school.

The good news for anyone desiring to learn more while keeping up with life can turn to online learning as a great alternative.

One of the biggest benefits of online learning is the convenience factor. You do not have to stop your career or move to another city that offers the program you desire.

Instead, you simply need only to have internet access. Having internet access opens the door to endless possibilities that can be fulfilled within your home or at a local library if you do not own your computer. There is perhaps no more convenient way to get an education than through online learning.

Online learning is also great because it is so flexible. It can work around your schedule rather than you having to submit yourself to the learning schedule.

Furthering your education does not become burdensome or impossible, but rather it becomes a pleasure. We could all use a few things that are flexible in our lives, and online learning is just that. You decide on the program you want to study, the classes you want to take at any certain time, and then you just sign up and begin.

Online learning is a great way to slowly work on a degree while keeping your current job and responsibilities.

Benefits of Knowledge

You can grow as a person, develop your knowledge base and improve yourself for the better.

Learning something new you can discover new and different opportunities and the chance to try new experiences

You could potentially earn more money in your work life from learning a new and appropriate skill

Developing a new skill will make doing things quicker and easier, saving time, energy and stress.

Learning something new will make you happier

Improve your Brain-Power!

Learning something new in one area of our lives can trigger ideas in another. So curiosity and creative thinking go hand-in-hand

Become more Active and Smarter

Tips on How to Become More Creative

  1. Think Like A Child. As adults, we tend to think in a conditioned way aimed at showing how clever we are. Yet, as children, we were simply spontaneous and far more creative in our thinking.

To re-capture your childhood curiosity, allow yourself to just wonder at things, to be completely present in the here and now, and to detach yourself from what you thought was real.

  1. Make New Connections. To be innovative doesn’t require a university degree; it simply requires making a connection between existing ideas. For instance, did you know that ice cream was invented in 2000 BC yet it took another 3900 years for someone to come up with the idea of a cone?
  2. Be A Little Illogical. It is a peculiarly Western trait to want to tie things up in neat bundles. We prefer solutions to problems, and answers to questions.

To be creative, you need to be comfortable with things that don’t fit. The Eastern tradition is more in tune with incongruence.

  1. Laugh More. Humour is one of the greatest creative devices. It jolts us out of our normal patterns and puts ideas together that shouldn’t go together. It has been found that after listening to comedy tapes, students’ ability to solve problems rises by 60%.
  2. Think Outside Your Limits. Many of the products we take for granted today are the result of people thinking outside their limits.
  3. Adopt and Adapt. To be creative doesn’t require blue-sky thinking. You can still be creative by adapting what works elsewhere. Another source of ideas is nature. Georges de Mestral adapted the way certain seeds stick to clothing and invented Velcro.
  4. Remember Your Dreams. Dreaming and day-dreaming can create a rich seam of ideas because that’s when we relax and let the subconscious mind work by itself. The Roffey Park Management Institute calls this “washing-up creativity” because most flashes of inspiration come when we are walking the dog, sitting Archimedes-like in the bath, or doing the washing up.

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest- Benjamin Franklin

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“Knowledge is Power”