Future Of Education: How Technology Will Change The Education [Infographic]

Future Of Education: How Technology Will Change The Education [Infographic]

Technology is changing pretty fast in the online and offline world. Many people worry that technology will replace education and jobs. Some educators worry that there will be no students to teach anymore soon or they will lose their jobs.

Attention! Education will never disappear. It will change and will use different forms.

Here are some things you need to know about how technology will change education.

  1. Different Times and Places.

Students will have more opportunities to learn at different times in different places. eLearning tools create opportunities for remote, self-paced learning. The theoretical part is learned outside the classroom, and the practical part shall be taught face to face.

  1. Personalized Learning.

Students will learn with study tools to improve their capabilities. So above average students shall be challenged with harder tasks and questions when a certain level is achieved.

Students who experience difficulties with a subject will get the opportunity to practice more until they reach the required level.

  1. Free Choice and Preference

Similarly to the personalized learning experience, students will be able to modify their learning process with tools they feel are necessary for them. Students will learn with different devices, different programs, and techniques based on their preferences.

  1. Learning and Online Platforms

Students will use online platforms to achieve knowledge. Learning will incorporate virtual reality and multiple perspectives. New platforms will allow students to learn how to negotiate issues and exchange ideas online.

E-learning is very useful, effective, and low-cost

Distant learning enables to mix study, work and family duties, and maintain the balance between them
Physical presence is not required, so learning becomes affordable in any corner of the world

  1. Technology in The Classroom

Games that help kids code, toys that teach robotics, and various apps for teachers to efficiently deliver information to students will become common. Technologies will help the teaching and learning process.

Learning will be more creative and practical. Students will be assessed on critical-thinking and problem-solving skills.

  1. Social and Emotional Skills

Skills such as creativity, collaboration, communication, and problem-solving will become very important for the students. In the classroom, students are taught skills through discussions, cooperative group work, problem-solving, and group reflection.

  1. Teacher – Helper and Guide

The role of a teacher will be not only to pass the knowledge but also to identify student’s strengths, interests, and values. Their primary job will be to guide students in the areas where they need guidance as innovators.

Teachers perform as facilitators to support students in developing their way of thinking and learning.