Digital Marketing: 7 Great Trends for 2021 – How to Improve Your Marketing Strategy

Digital Marketing: 7 Great Trends for 2021 - How to Improve Your Marketing Strategy
Digital Marketing: 7 Great Trends for 2021 – How to Improve Your Marketing Strategy

Digital marketing is essential to increase your business’s online presence, reach your target audience, and drive revenue.

Digital Marketing: 7 Great Trends for 2021

Whether you’re an entrepreneur or a small business owner, digital marketing will influence the business’s success or failure.

Here are some trends of digital marketing you need to know.

1. Purpose-Driven Marketing

The pandemic impacted all the businesses worldwide and pushed brands to change the way they communicate with customers and prospects.

Digital Marketing: 7 Great Trends for 2021

Many smart brands embraced purpose-driven marketing.

What is purpose-driven marketing? – Explanation

In purpose-driven marketing, a brand connects with its audience through a common cause they both believe in.

Some brands promoted environmental awareness, others focused on human rights, poverty, and gender inequalities.

Businesses that pursued and publicly defined a clear and consistent purpose did better in 2020 than brands that did not have a clear purpose.

Digital Marketing: 7 Great Trends for 2021 - How to Improve Your Marketing Strategy

Reports show that consumers are four times more likely to purchase from the brand when a brand follows a strong purpose.

They are also 4.5 times more likely to recommend your brand.

Your brand messaging must resonate with your customers and prospects.

2. Reconnect with your customers – Rebranding

In 2020, many businesses struggled to find the right words when communicating with customers and prospects.

Many brands ignored the pandemic and continued to communicate as if nothing was happening.

Digital Marketing: 7 Great Trends for 2021 - How to Improve Your Marketing Strategy

In 2021 businesses must find new ways to reconnect with customers and prospects.

One-on-one feedback, surveys, and questionnaires can provide unique responses to help you understand how the pandemic impacted your customers and how they’re currently thinking about the world.

How your target audience views your brand? and how people view the products and services you sell.

Many businesses and brands will rebrand in 2021. Most successful companies will change their branding to keep up with a changing world.

3. User-generated content (UGC)

Social media are popular, easy to use, and very attractive. For many businesses, social media is one of the best ways to market products and services.

 Digital Marketing: 7 Great Trends for 2021 - How to Improve Your Marketing Strategy

As social media continues to expand, many brands are using user-generated content (UGC) to promote their products.

User-generated content is created by customers or users, not by the brand.

UGC is a great, authentic, way to market your products and improve your brand image.

UGC has many benefits, including better engagement.

Digital Marketing: 7 Great Trends for 2021 - How to Improve Your Marketing Strategy

Studies show that people are 28% more likely to engage with user-generated content than traditional company-based posts. And, user-generated content reflects relatability and trustworthiness.

UGC is much better than traditional, often cold marketing campaigns. With the help of UGC, brands can showcase honest reviews, real emotions, and generate more engagement.

4. Social E-commerce

Now that social media apps are changing the online world we meet the rise of social E-commerce.

It has never been easier to buy something online.

Digital Marketing: 7 Great Trends for 2021 - How to Improve Your Marketing Strategy

Recently, apps such as Facebook and Instagram introduced shops directly in their apps. If you find something you like, you can buy it instantly from that app with just a few taps.

Social E-commerce is already changing the traditional e-Commerce. Stats show that 75% of people are more likely to purchase from a brand based on social media referrals.

Digital Marketing: 7 Great Trends for 2021 - How to Improve Your Marketing Strategy

More than half of online shoppers have made at least one purchase through social media channels.

Also, if you pair social E-commerce with UGC, your brand’s social media presence will be stronger than ever!

5. Video

Many people consume content every day. Most of the content we consume is in the form of images, text, and videos. But, videos are the king of attention-grabbing marketing.

Digital Marketing: 7 Great Trends for 2021 - How to Improve Your Marketing Strategy

Videos allow you to integrate more content in a more friendly and attractive way.

The best videos are usually fast-paced and share your brand’s product, story, and call-to-action quickly and efficiently. A strong video is highly memorable and effective.

Attention! You need to use video to enhance, extend, and improve your existing content marketing strategy.

6. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) can help you to improve your marketing campaigns.

Digital Marketing: 7 Great Trends for 2021 - How to Improve Your Marketing Strategy

AI is expected to influence product design trends, and also will improve content creation and automation.

AI will help deliver fast, accurate, and personalized content (directly to your target audience).

AI will also help create content by supplying data, sources, and references.

Smart chatbots powered by AI will help to support your marketing campaigns by providing relevant information to your sales and support teams.

7. Website speed

In mid-2020, Google announced a new ranking factor called “Core Web Vitals”.

Core Web Vitals are designed to measure how users experience a web page’s speed, responsiveness, and visual stability.

Digital Marketing: 7 Great Trends for 2021 - How to Improve Your Marketing Strategy

They measure the time it takes for the main content to load (ideal is 2.5 seconds or faster), the time it takes for a page to become interactive (less than 100 ms is ideal), and the amount of unexpected layout shift in the visual content of the page.

Google believes that when a web page loads quickly, is interactive, and the layout doesn’t shift much, people will generally be happy, improving peoples’ search experience.

Digital Marketing: 7 Great Trends for 2021 - How to Improve Your Marketing Strategy

Page speed times have always been important. But they’re becoming even more important in 2021.

You need to ensure that your website design is optimized and performs well.

Last Tip

You need to change and improve your marketing strategies if you want to succeed in 2021. The new normal requires brands to adapt, evolve, and rethink what they’re doing.

Digital Marketing: 7 Great Trends for 2021 - How to Improve Your Marketing Strategy

Keep these marketing trends in mind and test them to find what works best for your business.