Influencer Marketing: Trends and Tips for 2020 [Infographic]

Influencer Marketing: Trends and Tips for 2020 [Infographic]

Influencer marketing is a pretty effective tool to promote your business. More and more businesses are using influencers to increase their audiences and their sales. Influencer marketing now is an established and profitable digital marketing strategy.

Here are some useful influencer marketing trends and tips for 2020 you need to know.

  1. Micro-Influencers Are Authentic And Engaging

Influencers with under 20K followers have a more engaged and loyal following than those with larger audiences. Because macro-influencers are posting more sponsored content which doesn’t always resonate with their audience.

Authenticity is key to influencer success and paid posts are not authentic, so audiences will lose trust in their recommendations.

  1. Brands Are Building Long-Term Relationships with Influencers

Brands are building longer-lasting relationships with influencers. It’s very important to generate trust between the influencer and their audience, as well as between the brand and the influencer.

Trust is a necessity and a must for all the businesses.

  1. Globalization of Internet and Influencers

The internet has made it easy to reach anybody, anytime, around the world. Influencers can generate credibility to businesses as they expand into new markets around the world.

  1. Long-Form Content Now Is More Relevant

Whether you’re writing blog posts, posting YouTube videos, or even tweeting, long-form content now is more relevant and important too. Audiences are expecting honest, informative, posts that enabling followers to feel an empathetic connection with influencers, and a sense of trust.

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