Category Archives: health

Electric Cars (Electric Vehicles or EV): 7 Benefits and A Bright Future

Electric Cars (Electric Vehicles or EV): 7 Benefits and A Bright Future
Electric Cars (Electric Vehicles or EV): 7 Benefits and A Bright Future

Who Leads the Charge Towards Electric Mobility? (Statista) – EV Market Stats

With Tesla’s meteoric stock market rise in 2020 and several countries and car manufacturers announcing new electric vehicle targets, electric cars have been in the spotlight for a while now.

And while they still account for a single-digit percentage of global passenger car sales, several countries, especially across Europe, have made huge strides towards a cleaner future in 2020.

While Norway is by far the country with the highest share of electric cars in total passenger car sales, no country comes even close to China in terms of absolute market size.

According to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM), sales of battery electric vehicles (BEV) and plug-in hybrids (PHEV) amounted to 1.00 and 0.25 million in 2020, respectively. That puts China way ahead of Germany (395,000), which overtook the United States in terms of EV sales.

Benefits and Advantages of Electric Cars

Electric Cars ( EV) – Benefits and Advantages

Electric cars are already the present and they have a bright future. These environmentally-friendly EVs have become much more commonplace today than they were 10 years ago, with a 40% year-on-year increase.

These cars (EV) come with many benefits and a nice range of luxury and more budget-friendly options available.

Electric Cars (Electric Vehicles or EV): 7 Benefits and A Bright Future
  1. Cheaper Solution

Batteries will need replacement after a few years, electric vehicles are still cheaper than petrol or diesel cars. Electrical motors have much fewer parts than fuel-based engines.

They’ll require less servicing and repairs cost less. On top of that, many countries are also starting to adopt tax incentives and business grants for EVs.

The other cost-saving factor is fuel, of course. Oil prices will continue to hike in the future as resources run out. Not to mention being hostage to continued fuel tax levies.

 Electric Cars (Electric Vehicles or EV): 7 Benefits and A Bright Future

Electric vehicles, on the other hand, have none of those issues. They can even be charged at home with a home charging unit, which costs a bit of money to install but is still very affordable.

  1. Government Incentives and Zero-Emission Vehicles

Government agencies around the world have and continue to provide policy-driven support for electric vehicle production and adoption. The main regulatory incentive is to decrease CO2 emissions to achieve a future where zero-emission vehicles are the norm.

Countries like Norway are starting to make pledges to phase out internal combustion engine vehicle sales.

 Electric Cars (Electric Vehicles or EV): 7 Benefits and A Bright Future
  1. Public and Large Transport Vehicles

Consumer vehicles aren’t the only market segment of electric car options. EV adoption in the public and commercial sectors is slow going right now. But the long-term cost, environmental, and health benefits of switching to electric vehicles are pushing both industries in that direction.

  1. Fossil Fuels – The End Is Closer

There’s speculation that the world will run out of fossil fuels in as early as 53 years. Maybe even less. That means there’s a hard limit on how long people can still operate the way they do before these resources become so scarce that prices skyrocket.

Electric Cars (Electric Vehicles or EV): 7 Benefits and A Bright Future

That’s why many policy-makers and companies are trying to make the switch to electric vehicles now. Of course, this also means that electricity generation has to turn a new leaf.

Many countries have started banning coal power plants and choosing more sustainable options. This also means electric vehicles don’t have a chance of running out of “fuel” resources anytime soon.

  1. Driving Experience

One of the first things people notice about electric cars is how quiet they are. This, coupled with the fact that they have instant torque, makes them a joy to drive. They also have a lower center of gravity, which provides both driving and safety benefits.

Electric Cars (Electric Vehicles or EV): 7 Benefits and A Bright Future

Driving-side means better grip and steering during turns. Safety-wise it means the cars have less chance of rolling over and the absence of fuel means less risk of fires or explosions.

On top of that, the electric cars being rolled off the assembly line today have the best to offer in terms of safety and luxury. They often come with the latest specs and features and are built to handle collisions better as well.

  1. Benefits for Health

Reduced harmful exhaust emissions are good news for our health. Better air quality will lead to fewer health problems and costs caused by air pollution3. EVs are also quieter than petrol/diesel cars, which means less noise pollution.

Electric Cars (Electric Vehicles or EV): 7 Benefits and A Bright Future
  1. Security – A Downside (hackers)

Despite all of the benefits of switching to electric vehicles, there is one downside that most consumers don’t think about. Security.

As technology continues to improve, a lot of that gets integrated into cars and the way people live their everyday lives. Having an on-board GPS or using public Wi-Fi to listen to music or search for suggestions/directions while driving is very common these days.

Electric Cars (Electric Vehicles or EV): 7 Benefits and A Bright Future

Autonomous internet-connected cars are also starting to become more normal. But so are digital threats.

In 2016, there had been reports of electric vehicles being susceptible to hacks. So, taking extra precautions like using a VPN while traveling will become essential. What is a VPN? This cybersecurity tool secures your internet connection and keeps all your data safe wherever you are. It’s a great way to stay safe on the internet.

Coronavirus and Stress: Useful Tips on How to Avoid Stress and Improve Your Life

Coronavirus and Stress: Useful Tips on How to Avoid Stress and Improve Your Life

The coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to grow and affect all the world. Logically, you begin to feel more stressed. Information is rapidly changing and can be confusing, overwhelming, and even scary. You may experience fear, stress, and anxiety.

Here are some useful tips to avoid coronavirus stress and improve your life.

Coronavirus and Stress: Useful Tips on How to Avoid Stress and Improve Your Life
  1. Nutrition: Fruits and Vegetables

If you are stressed, the central nervous system releases adrenaline and cortisol, which affects your mood. Also, stress can kill the appetite, but the release of the hormone cortisol can cause fat and sugar cravings.

Research also suggests that high cortisol combined with high sugar consumption may prompt the deposition of fat around our internal organs. A diet high in a variety of nutrients can both protect health and provide more physical energy.

You need to eat more fruits and vegetables.

  1. Massage and Stretches: Relax

Because stress causes muscles to tense, being stressed out can create tension headaches, backaches, etc. You can avoid these symptoms with stretches, massage, or warm baths. You can try progressive muscle relaxation to reduce anxiety and improve mental health.

Coronavirus and Stress: Useful Tips on How to Avoid Stress and Improve Your Life
  1. Meditate: Benefits of Meditation

Many reports show that mindful meditation can reduce psychological stress and anxiety. To get started, set aside five minutes in a quiet place to sit and breathe. Focus on the present moment. Free your mind and avoid negative emotions.

  1. Sleep Better: Activity and Relaxation

Daytime stress affects nighttime sleep. Try to have a consistent sleep routine that allows time to wind down before lights out. Meditation and relaxation can help with insomnia.

Coronavirus and Stress: Useful Tips on How to Avoid Stress and Improve Your Life

Also, avoid caffeine and alcohol in the late afternoon and evening. Blue light can suppress the sleepy hormone melatonin (checking social media may ramp up your emotions.) Also, physical activity can improve sleep, especially for middle-aged adults.

  1. More Physical Activity:

The activity can not only improve sleep, but it can win stress. Studies show that working adults who participated in moderate physical activity had not much stress as working adults who did not participate.

Physical activity may also help to avoid the negative effects of stress, including the impact of stress on the immune system.

Adding physical activity needn’t be expensive or complex: A 30-minute walk or a dance session in the living room can do the trick.

Coronavirus and Stress: Useful Tips on How to Avoid Stress and Improve Your Life
  1. Go Out To Nature:

Studies have found that green space improves mood. Effective Tip. Even nature videos can speed recovery from stress. Nature can calm your mind.

  1. Keep Your Common Activities: Humor and Laugh

When life gets overwhelming, people often leave their common or pleasure activities first. Even when time is tight, look for opportunities to do something for yourself, whether that means reading a novel, singing, dancing, or watch your favorite comedy on tv.

Coronavirus and Stress: Useful Tips on How to Avoid Stress and Improve Your Life

Humor and laughter can benefit both mental and physical health. Humor is the best medicine!

  1. Reframe your thinking: Emotions and Thoughts

One of the most effective treatments for stress and anxiety is cognitive-behavioral therapy or CBT. You need to understand that our thoughts influence our emotions, which influences our behaviors. (We are emotional creatures!)

Reframing your thoughts can help manage your emotions, reducing feelings of stress.

Coronavirus and Stress: Useful Tips on How to Avoid Stress and Improve Your Life

Tip: If you think and imagine worst-case scenarios, stop and put your mind elsewhere. Avoid negative thoughts and use humor to improve your life.

  1. Ask a Doctor:

If you feel overwhelmed and self-help isn’t helping, look for a psychologist or doctor who can help you learn how to manage your stress effectively. Change your environment and change your thoughts.

Coronavirus and Stress: Useful Tips on How to Avoid Stress and Improve Your Life

The coronavirus is very big trouble and dangerous but it’s not the end of the world. You can win the pandemic if you think positively, use humor, and protect yourself and your family. Positive psychology is your great advantage to improve your life. Start Now!

Lifelong Learning: Benefits and Advantages You Need to Know [Infographic]

Lifelong Learning: Benefits and Advantages You Need to Know [Infographic]

Lifelong learning is the process of gaining knowledge and learning new skills for the rest of your life. Many people continue their education for personal development or they want to start a new career/job.

There are many benefits, advantages, and reasons to keep learning. These days there are many online courses and people can now explore and learn about any subject or interest they want.

Here are some benefits and advantages you need to know about lifelong learning.

  1. Improve Your Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is your trust in yourself. It comes from knowledge, experience, and the skills that you possess. Taking an online course and learning new skills can provide a pretty effective boost to your self-confidence.

  1. Find New Interests

Take every opportunity to enrich yourself and learn something new; take a course, read, watch TED conferences online, or attend webinars in your field of interest.

  1. Keep Your Brain Healthy

Many studies show that learning keeps your brain functioning at a high level. The brain is a muscle; continue to keep it in shape by giving it new challenges and opportunities for learning and growth.

Also, mental facilities are best protected when they are used often, and continued learning can slow the physical process of Alzheimer’s Disease.

  1. Learn Practical Life Skills

Besides professional knowledge, it’s very important to learn practical skills such as handling your finances, improving your communication skills, or how to improve yourself. Courses on these subjects are available online for students of any age!

  1. Positive Paradigm for Your Children

Set a good example for your children by letting them see you work hard at self-improvement and continuing your education. Working alongside each other towards individual goals will increase the chances that you both will be successful!

  1. Learn and Discover

Take a course in a subject you enjoy such as cooking, photography, or writing. You never know what other interests you might discover!

  1. Better Sleep Just as when you exercise your body and it gets tired; when you exercise your mind, your mind gets tired. Give your mind a workout by studying a new subject or learning a new skill.
  2. Stay Healthy – Avoid Stress

There are many not-so-obvious health benefits to learning. Becoming organized and practicing time management techniques can help reduce stress in your life. Learning the basics of nutrition may help you to make improvements to your diet. Exploring health and fitness courses may inspire you to take better care of your body or start jogging, walking, swimming, etc.

  1. Longer, Better, Life

Many stats show that lifelong learning keeps the brain sharp and active, and that leads to a longer and better life. Very Simple!

  1. Find A New Better Job

You need to know new industry trends, tips, and developments as this show your employer that you are knowledgeable about your work and can adapt to changes. You can attend seminars, webinars, or conferences. Also, you can find a new better job.

Expand your network, find an expert, and make new friends.

  1. Motivation

Having an interest in your job can help you feel more confident about your work. If you find that you’re losing interest in what you do, learning something new can ignite your spirit and help you become motivated again. Never stop to learn – Keep Going!

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Change Your Life: Win Your Fears – Free Your Mind

Change Your Life: Win Your Fears - Free Your Mind
Change Your Life: Win Your Fears – Free Your Mind

Change can come into our lives as a result of a crisis or a result of choice. It is always better to make changes in your life when you choose to rather than being forced to.

We cannot avoid unexpected events like a financial crisis or a pandemic crisis (Coronavirus). But we can control how we choose to respond to them. It is our power of choice that enables us to activate positive change in our lives.

The more opportunities we create to change our lives the more fulfilled and happier our lives become. So free your mind and decide to improve your life and yourself. It’s not so difficult as you think.

Here are some effective tips you need to know.

  1. Find Meaning in Life – Dreams and Happiness

Spend some time trying to sort out what is important in your life and why it is important.

What is it that you want to achieve in your life? What are your dreams? What makes you happy?

Your meaning in life gives you purpose and sets the direction of how you want to live your life. Without meaning you will spend the rest of your life without living your dreams and without happiness.

  1. Dream Again

When we were children, we would daydream all day. We were skilled at dreaming and visualizing what we would be when we grew up. We believed that anything was possible.

As we grew into adults, we lost our ability to dream. Our dreams became hidden and we started to feel like achieving our dreams was impossible.

You need to start believing in your dreams again. Seeing our dreams every day on a dream board brings our dreams to life. Our dreams become real and we start to have believed in the possibility of achieving these dreams.

If you don’t believe in your dreams you cannot make them true!

  1. Set Goals – Take Action

Once you know what is important in your life and what your dream life looks like for you, you need to take action and set your long-term, medium, and short-term goals.

Remember your goals may change. Always be flexible with setting and achieving your goals as things in life change and your goals need to reflect these changes. It’s the small steps that you take that create the momentum for change to happen in your life.

  1. Try New Things and Comfort Zone

Get out of your comfort zone and try new things.

Make a list of new things that you like to do but are too afraid to. Put a plan in place and then go do them. Never stop doing new things because if you do your life will become a boring repetition without interest.

  1. Well-Balanced Life – Healthy

Our health does not remain the same. Our physical, emotional, and spiritual state changes, as we get older. What we can control however is how we feed our minds and our bodies.

Living a balanced and healthy life builds our resilience to the physical changes of our bodies. Exercise is the best way in which we can attain a positive and optimistic attitude toward life.

Living a healthy, well-balanced life with exercise is a lifestyle choice that will give you a happier more satisfied and fulfilled life.

  1. Win Your Fears

It’s easy to ignore our fears and hope that they will go away. Unfortunately, it does not work like that.

If you want to change your life, learn to master your fears so they can’t control you any longer. Our fears are only thoughts in our minds that are not real but over time we have become to believe that they are true.

It is our fears in life that stop us from living our life to the fullest. We know when our fears are controlling our lives because we feel discontent, dissatisfied and unfulfilled.

Once we face our fears we take back our power to choose how we want to live our lives and when we do this we change our lives forever.

  1. Love Yourself

The only person who is going to create change in your life is you! And to create that change you have to like and love yourself.

There will be times in your life where you will face rejection and there will be people who will not like you that much. Accepting who you are and loving yourself helps you to move forward in your life.

Putting yourself down all the time and wishing you could be better will only lead you to a life of unhappiness and discontent.

Find your courage, love yourself and step out and do something crazy. Don’t worry about what anyone thinks or whether it is the right thing to do. In your heart, if it feels right, act on it and go create the life you love.

Free your mind and do what you love to do. Very Simple!

  1. Live the Moment – Don’t miss the present

The motivation to change our lives comes from our desire to be happy. We are often so busy focusing on our pursuit of happiness that we miss the joy of actually living in the moment.

Our desire to have happiness in our lives is a desire for a future state not of the present. We become so consumed with all our problems and discontent in the present we miss the precious beauty of the moment.

Sitting on the beach eating an ice-cream with your best friend or partner is a moment of happiness. Appreciating and showing gratitude daily is experiencing happiness at the moment. Helping those in need brings joy and happiness to us.

See the stars and smile. See the rising sun and say a big thank you to the world. See the beauty of the flowers and admire the nature. Smile to the people and say a simple word like a good morning. The affection is Huge!

This is what living our life at the moment is all about – don’t miss these moments because you are too busy focusing on tomorrow.

  1. Read Books and Learn More

Each time you learn something new, you gain more knowledge and with more knowledge, you are more confident.

Learning helps us to be more adaptable and flexible to new situations. Learning encourages us to be more creative and innovative in our thinking and we are therefor more comfortable with the unknown.

Reading books is a great way for you to learn. To fully embrace the joy of learning, never stop reading or searching for more knowledge.

Learning gives your life meaning and this is what makes your life worthwhile.

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Stay Positive and Optimistic - Become a Winner

Coronavirus Effect: Stay Positive and Optimistic – Become a Winner

Coronavirus Effect: Stay Positive and Optimistic – Become a Winner

With all the tragic things that are happening in the world as a result of the coronavirus, now might seem like an unusual time to talk about being positive. Staying positive is a very important tip to win coronavirus and every difficulty in your life.

Now, more than ever is the time for you to be proactive about creating small moments of happiness in your daily life, psychology research shows that positive emotions help you to undo the negative effects of stress.

  1. Always try to stay optimist and positive

The positivity starts with positive thoughts. It is one of the simplest but most effective ways to build a more positive outlook.

When you are bombarded with negativity, process the thoughts and feelings that arise in the situation first. Next, ask yourself what is one thing that is positive or good about this situation?

Can you find even one opportunity within the situation? Thinking about the good that can come out of it is better than beating yourself because you think you sucked.

  1. Cultivate a positive environment.

Negativity sucks your energy. But the good news is that being positive is contagious.

So be careful who you spend time with. Further, you have to be wary of the input you get from TV, the internet, magazines or newspapers, because they all will have a huge effect on your outlook.

To cultivate a positive environment, you must have influences in your life that lift you instead of dragging you down. Take the time to think about the most negative sources of information you spend time on and how you can lessen the interaction.

Focus on spending time with positive sources or people in your life.

  1. Step back, rethink, and go slowly.

When you think, talk, eat and move carelessly and quickly, it will create more problems for you.

Additionally, stress will build up and negative thoughts start to well up.

On the other hand, slowing down will make your mind and body calm down too. It is much easier to think things through clearly when you are relaxed.

The next time you are bombarded with negative thoughts, take a step back from the hustle-bustle to find-the-optimistic perspective.

  1. Practice a healthy lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle starts with a good night’s sleep, nutritious foods, and exercise.

Your lifestyle has a direct impact on your mood. Have you noticed you get irritated easily when you lack sleep? Yes, that’s right.

  1. Start your day positively. Avoid stress and negativity

When you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, it will be a precedent of how your day goes. Simply put, how you start sets the tone for the rest of your day.

So be careful about how you spend your mornings. Take the time to meditate and organize your day for a more productive workflow.

If you start your morning with stressful thoughts, negativity will ramp up quickly.

  1. Find humor in bad situations.

Allow yourself to find humor in bad situations. When you experience difficult times, remind yourself that it will not last.

It will make for a good story later. Cracking a joke about the bad situation you are in will lighten up the mood and help you focus on the brighter side.
Humor is the best way to create a perfect day!

  1. Think of problems as opportunities.

All people have problems. But what differentiates a positive person from a pessimist is how the former approach the difficulties.

Stop describing your problems as “nightmares”. Instead, look at it as an interesting challenge.

If we can foster positive emotions, we can win every difficult situation. Positive emotions are a key resource for us during the coronavirus crisis because they can help us to win the coronavirus and everything else. It’s up to you to Win!

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